Yasr Custom Rankings

Customize your rankings with Yasr Pro!

Do you need more flexibility from YASR Rankings?

You get all the flexibility you need with YASR Pro!

You will be able to:

  • Get rating from one or more category or custom post type
  • Customize how many rows to display
  • Change the size of the stars
  • Insert a customized text to show before or after the stars
  • In the “Visitor Votes” rankings it’s possibile to select a score range, and choose the default view between “most rated” or “highest rated”
  • In the “Most Active Reviewers and Most Active Users” chart it’s possible to show “display name” or “user name”
  • Select start and end date

Just go to Yet Another Stars Rating: Settings -> Rankings to see all the available options.

4 thoughts on “Yasr Custom Rankings”

      1. Hi Dario, no worries. If I buy it now, do I need to reinstall/reconfigure it (and add all the stars again, almost a 100 posts) or will the existing functionalities just be expanded? Sry for possible noob question, never upgraded a free plugin before 😉

        1. You will get a link where you will able to download the pro version, and no, no setting or rating will be lost 🙂

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