Best WordPress ratings plugin

Shortcode Documentation


Purpose / Function

This shortcode is read only and is used by the reviewer.

It’s available in 3 different sizes: “Small”, “Medium” or “Large” (here you can see the large one).

In the settings of the WordPress ratings plugin, you can customize the text shown before or after.

You can manually place the shortcode where you need, or use the auto insert feature, see the video tutorial here.

How to use it

To insert the rating in this widget, thare are two ways:

If you’re using the Classic editor, simply give a rating in the YASR metabox that appear at the top right of the screen while you’re writing a new post or page.

If you’re using the new Gutenberg editor, click on the “+” icon to add a block, search for YASR and select YASR: Overall Rating. A new panel will appear to the right: you can add your rating here.



Purpose / Function

[Total: 103 Average: 4.2]

With it you can:

  • Choose to allow anonymous or logged in only users
  • Logged in users can update their vote anytime.
  • Size can be “Small”, “Medium” or “Large”.
  • Customize the text shown before or after.
  • Hover on the chart bar icon to see the stats.

Feel free to use it here.

How to use it

You can paste the shortcode where you need to show the widget, or you can use the auto insert feature as explained in this tutorial.

If you’re using the new Gutenberg editor, click on the “+” icon to add a block, search for YASR and select YASR: Visitor Votes.


[yasr_visitor_votes readonly=yes]

Purpose / Function

In some cases you may need to show an average of your visitor’s votes, but without allowing them to rate it (e.g. in a category page).

In this case, just use this shortcode.

How to use it

You can paste the shortcode where you need to show the widget.


Purpose / Function

How to use it

If user is logged in, this shortcode shows a list of all the ratings provided by the user on the website.

If the user is not logged in, the message “You must login to see this widget.” is returned.


[yasr_multiset setid=X]

Purpose / Function


How to use it

This shortcode allows you to insert a rating for each aspect of your review (up to nine rows).

The setid is a number that identifies the multiset.


[yasr_pro_average_multiset setid=X]

Purpose / Function

How to use it

This shortcode is for YASR PRO and it will show just the multiset’s average.


[yasr_visitor_multiset setid=X]

Purpose / Function


How to use it

This shortcode allows your readers to interact with the output. Feel free to use it here.

The setid is a number that identifies the multiset.


[yasr_pro_average_visitor_multiset setid=X]

Purpose / Function

How to use it

With YASR PRO you can use this shortcode and it will show just the multiset’s average.




Purpose / Function

How to use it

The output has up to 10 rows and shows the highest rated post in each category or post type.

With YASR Pro you can choose how many rows to display, choose which category or post type to include and customize the text that will appear before or after the stars.



Purpose / Function

How to use it

“Users’ ranking” chart, called with this shortcode, is 2 charts in 1. In fact, this chart shows both the most rated posts/pages and the highest rated posts/pages through the shortcode yasr_visitor_votes.

For an item to appear in this chart, it has to be rated at least twice. If you have less than 10 rows it works anyway.

It has up to 10 rows and shows the highest/most rated posts of every category or post type.

With YASR Pro you can choose the default view between “Most Rated” and “Highest Rated”, how many rows to display, set the minimum number of votes (e.g. show only posts with number of votes > 10), choose which category or post type to include, customize the text that will appear before or after the stars, choose a date range.


[yasr_multi_set_ranking setid=X]

Purpose / Function

How to use it

It’s the ranking of the first 10 yasr_multiset shortcodes.

It has up to 10 rows and shows the highest rated post in each category or post type.

With YASR Pro you can choose how many rows to display, choose which category or post type to include and customize the text that will appear before or after the stars.

[yasr_visitor_multi_set_ranking setid=X]

Purpose / Function

PostOrder by:  Most Rated | Highest Rated
[Total: 5546 Average: 3.7]
Test page n° 3
[Total: 400 Average: 4]
Test page 2
[Total: 306 Average: 4.5]
This is another test post
[Total: 214 Average: 3.4]
Test Page n°4
[Total: 210 Average: 4.1]
Test page n° 1
[Total: 169 Average: 4]
This is just a test post
[Total: 72 Average: 3.7]
User Reviews
[Total: 56 Average: 3.5]
[Total: 15 Average: 3.6]
Yet Another Test Post
[Total: 12 Average: 3.7]

How to use it

The shortcode shows 2 charts in 1. In fact, this chart shows both the most rated posts/pages and the highest rated posts/pages through the shortcode yasr_visitor_multiset.

If you have less than 10 rows it works anyway.

It has up to 10 rows and shows the highest/most rated posts of every category or post type.

With YASR Pro you can choose the default view between “Most Rated” and “Highest Rated”, how many rows to display, set the minimum number of votes (e.g. show only posts with number of votes > 10), choose which category or post type to include, customize the text that will appear before or after the stars, choose a date range.




Purpose / Function

User Number of votes
david 45

How to use it

This chart shows the 5 most active reviewers on your site. If you have less than 5 users, (like in this example) it works anyway.

With YASR Pro you can choose to show display names or login names, and again choose the number of rows.



How to use it

When a visitor (logged in or not) rates a post/page through the yasr_visitor_votes shortcode, his rating is stored in the database.

This chart will show the 10 most active users, displaying the login name if logged in or “Anonymous” if not.

With YASR Pro you can choose to show display name or login name, and you can select the number of rows.


198 thoughts on “Shortcode Documentation”

  1. Hello, the plugins sounds very useful. What I did not find out while reading this page: Can I change the number of stars to max. 4 instead of the default 5-star-rating?
    And can I leave out the whole user-voting-sections? I am far more interested in publishing my reviewer’s vote in my blog posts.


    1. Hello!
      1) This is not possible, YASR only support 5 stars rating system
      2) Of course! You can just use yasr_overall_rating or yasr_multiset.


  2. Dear,

    I installed it and the plugin is well inserted into pages.
    Nevertheless, stars are not shown…

    Dis I miss somesthing ?
    Thank you in advance

  3. Hi, thanks for the plugin, I bought the Pro version as I needed to customize the icon and it’s great. But I have a problem. I inserted the shortcode into a custom post type called “emprendedores”, and it has a custom loop layout on the home page. On each card in the loop you can see the ranking of each “emprendedor”, but I need to sort them by ranking and not by publication date. How could I do it? You can check it on my website:

      1. I have a question, in the documentation it says that I must create a Yasr folder in the current theme since the design that uses the shortcode is the one that appears in the templates folder. Should I delete the templates folder? Sorry, if you can explain this step better. Thank you

    1. Hello, you can do this by customizing your child theme, and then print the shortcode with do_shortcode function.

      IF you wish, I can do this as custom work, feel free to contact me at dario AT yetanotherstarsrating DOT com

  4. Hi I want to display most rated post and it works, but I want to have a main photo of post wich display in/with the ranking, please help 🙂

    1. Hello!

      This is not possible yet, but will be available soon in the pro version (it should be available for the first mid of March)


  5. hello. is there a way to include the site’s own rating in the future?

    an option for site admins to set a rating for a post besides the general user ratings?

    1. Hello Mark!
      If I understood what you need, you’re looking for yasr overall rating! It is the first in the list, the rating is set by the post author and users can’t rate on that.


  6. hi ,
    I have a page with some photos and I want there to be a rating under each one, but for each one separately.
    can this be done with the Plugin?

    1. Hello!

      It could be possible, but it is a tedious procedure.

      YASR can be used to rate posts or pages, but it is not the best solution to rate multiple images in a same page.


  7. I currently use YASR for my team of coaches. They each have an individual about page where people can rate them for their services. I want to take that rating and post it on another page where I have all coaches laid out in one place. Can reviewers be able to vote about the same coach in two different places?

    As an example –
    The above page is where we have all coaches appear. The yasr stars are not there, but I want them to be.

    On this page –
    You can see one of our coaches with his rating. I want that rating to appear on the coaches pages and let people be able to rate there as well.

    1. Hello!

      Yes, yasr_visitor_votes works with the postid parameter, so, if you want to show the rating from another page, just do something like this yasr_visitor_votes postid=XXXX where XXXX is the post id of the coach.

      Hope this helps!

  8. Hello Dario!
    Thanks for the plug in
    i use the plugin for an ecommerce page, is there a way to allow a user to vote only if they have purchased the product at some point before?

    1. Hello Giovanni!

      Such option is not available, but feel free to contact me at support AT yetanotherstarsrating DOT com , I can do this as custom work.


  9. Hi,
    Is there any chance to change settings somewhere to be able to use Enable stars next to the title properly ?
    I have a very bad experience as this is added to title of comment section and not correctly interpretated or for my event details such as location records and so

    giving something similar to this having title suffixed by code :
    1 réflexion sur “Savage et G15 (1)”

    1. Hello, unfortunately that setting it is not compatible with all the themes, and may conflict with some third party plugins.
      I will put this warning for the next version

      1. Hi Dario, thank you for the quick answer.

        Here is our environment
        Theme: Astra V3.7.9
        Event plugin: The Events Calendar V5.14.0.4

        It is a pitty as this feature would have been very useful


  10. Hello Dario,

    I have seen that the Pro version of the plugin gives the possibility of adding false reviews to the posts.

    I have two questions regarding this functionality.

    1) If you manually set the number of votes and the rating, what happens to the actual votes obtained? Are they overwritten?

    2) What happens to fake reviews if at some point I go back from the Pro version to the Free version again?

    I hope this is the place to ask this. I have not found a contact form on the plugin website.


  11. Hello there,
    I installed the YASR plugin three days ago. Since then, Google has already sent me an email twice indicating the following error:

    For the owner:

    Search Console has detected 1 Product issues on your website:

    Main errors

    Errors can prevent your page or feature from appearing in search results. These errors have been found on your website:

    Must specify “offers”, “review” or “aggregate rating”

    Can you tell me what to do? I like YASR and I don’t want to have to uninstall it.


    1. Hello!

      I’m already aware of this problem, that happens when a shortcode is present but there are no votes.
      The fix will be available for the next version, that will be released later this week.

      In the meantime, you can just add a vote to make the error go away 😉


  12. Hi Dario,

    In Classic Editor, once a yasr_overall_rating has been chosen at the box in the top-right of the screen of a post, it adds the reviewRating schema markup to the post . However, I cannot find how to delete it and stop using the yasr_overall_rating on that post. I am able to chose another rating amongst the stars, but I don’t know how to clear it.

    If I don’t want to use the reviewRating anymore on that post, how can I delete the schema markup that YASR has added?

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Hello Maria,
      you just need to delete the overall rating.
      To do so, open “Yet Another Stars Rating -> Stats -> Overall Rating” and choose the one you want to delete.

      If no overall rating is found, reviewRating will go away.


  13. Hello, I have a question.

    I bought a different rating plugin some time back from Codecanyon, however they stopped developing and I would like to buy YASR. If I buy the pro version, would you be able to help me move from that rating system to this one? Is there any way to transfer over the old ratings for each post?

    Thank you!

  14. Hello,
    Thank you for this great plugin
    I just have a problem, in my home page I want to show only the star rating in the recent posts widget But in the single post page I want to show more rating details like rating count.
    How can I reach that?

    1. Hello!
      This is not possible with the standard settings that comes the plugin, but if you wish I can do this as custom work, feel free to contact me at dario AT yetanotherstarsrating DOT com.


  15. Hi Dario,
    first of all: YASR is a really great plugin!
    But please let me ask one question: Do I have to use a variable (something like %average%) with the “You’ve already voted with” entry? If I do so, I deleted it accidentally.
    Or does this work otherwise? By the way: All my users are logged in.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello!
      In that text you can’t use the %average% variable, you can do something like You have already voted this article

      Or just set to “no” the “Insert custom text to show before / after stars” and the entry “You’ve already voted with ” will show the rating again.


  16. Hi Dario!
    I wonder if there is a possibility of choosing what pages you want to show the rating stars?
    I mean, I would like to show the stars in my main pages, but not in contact or legal advices… So, can I choose what page to show up?

    Thank you so much in advance!!

    1. With auto insert feature, no.
      But in this case is simple, just disable auto insert for pages and place the shortcode manually in the page where you want to show it.


      1. We have some 2000 pages/posts, but we don’t want to show it in contact/about-us.
        Adding it manually to 1998 pages is a bit of a problem 🙂

        Perhaps there could be an easy “exclude posts/pages” where you just add commaseparated ID for the ones to exclude it from of the auto-insert feature?

  17. Hello!

    First of all, thank you so much for your plugin and dedication, it’s very nice!
    I’ve installed it into my website, but the stars don’t appear (they are in blank! You can put the mouse over and even vote, but no stars are shown at the end of the posts…)
    You can see it on my posts, for example on “Goldfish Comun”. I would like to know how to solve this problem and let the plugin show the stars.

    Thank you so much in advance!!!
    Looking forward to see your response.

    1. Hello!
      Seems like there is a conflict somewhere: can you please to disable and enable again your plugins 1 by 1?

      1. Hi Dario! Thanks for your answer.

        Already did it! and problem remains,. I’ve disabled every pluguin 1 by 1 while refreshing my post page, and no star was shown.
        What could it be?

        Thanks in advance!

          1. It was a problem of my theme “Orbital Theme”. I disabled ” Fix render blocking css” from my theme and it works fine!!

            Thank you so much!

  18. Hi. I want to know if you can help me set YASR up on a website to give doctors star rankings and have those star rankings show on Google for each doctor?

    We manually add the star ratings for each doctor. For example, we may enter 4.8 out of 5 stars, then that should be show in star icons on the doctors page and his google review.

    Let me know if this is possible.

  19. Hi, very nice work! (y) Two things I want to ask:
    – Include pages is a nice feature, but could you add a new feature to exclude the homepage?
    I think nobody needs a ranking on the first page 😉
    – I’ve changed the settings in “Userdefined text” as follows:
    — Custom text to display BEFORE Visitor Rating = empty
    — Custom text to display AFTER Visitor Rating = in german language
    — This line is self-CSSed 😉
    — If someone clicks some stars the AFTER text appears with your deafult text in your default CSS
    — After browser refresh everything works fine like setted up
    It would be great if you correct this issues or say to me what I’m doing wrong.
    Thanks. ABGE

  20. Hello, I love this plugin and I have installed it on my blog. However, I can’t seem to find an option to import data from GD Rating System plugin which is the plugin I was using before. I really wouldn’t like to lose all the ratings my posts already have. Can you help me please? Thanks!

    1. Hello!

      At least for now YASR can import data from these plugins:

      • WP-PostRatings
      • KK Star Ratings
      • Rate My Post
      • Multi Rating

      To be honest, I don’t know if I will ever develop this feature, since the plugin is not very popular.
      Eventually, I can consider to do this as a custom work.


  21. Hello, is it possible to add a feature to your plugin to avoid self rating?

    We have purchased your plugin but my client don’t want users to rate his own post. How much/how long will it be if it is possible?


  22. Hi,
    I love this plugin, working like a charm without messing up other plugins. Only 1 thing if i cloud do that would be awesome, if i could change the color of the stars from yellow to red. My theme color is red. Can i change yellow starts to red starts in free version?

    1. Hello Daniel!

      In free vesions thare are 3 different stars styles to choose, but there is no one red.
      In that case you’ve to go to pro version (you can test it using the trial, it is the second one)


  23. Hello,

    I need to change column width on ranking. We have inserted two columns ranking shortcode on a text box with 1600px width, but table is narrower than the box, os we want to make first column wider. How can we do that?

    You can check it here using user support and pass EDIT



    1. Hello,

      These are the classes used by that ranking:

      yasr-table-chart AND yasr-pro-most-highest-table are the containers

      yasr-top-10-most-highest-left is the class for the left column, defualt width is 50%

      yasr-top-10-most-highest-right is the class for the right column, default with is 50%

      I see you’ve already changed the width in your page, left is 75%, maybe I read this comment later your customizations?

      1. You can use auto insert feature only for yasr_visitor_votes and yasr_overall_rating shortcode.

        If you need to auto insert something else, you can insert the shortcode in a child theme

  24. Amazing plugin, thanks!
    Is there a way to disable YASR Rich Snipped except stars? That way i could use another rich snipped plugin like Rank Math, which has more fields available.

    1. Hello Samuel!

      You’ve to use this hook yasr_filter_existing_schema to filter yasr existing rich snippets, but some coding skills are needed. You can also write me to dario AT yetanotherstarsrating DOT com, I can do this as custom work.


  25. Hi Dario

    Is it possible to auto insert at the end of the “Short Description” instead of the “Product Description”? Would save me entering many shortcodes a product at a time. Cheers!

    1. Hi!

      Not sure what you mean for short description and product description (I guess you’re using woocommerce? ) but you can insert the shortcode directly in your template with do_shortcode function.


      1. Hi Dario, Thanks for your reply. I have successfully inserted the shortcode into my theme functions which seems to have solved my problem. The issue I have now is that my aggregateRating is not being generated in the source. I Have looked for the option in General settings to select this as the rich snippet type but it is not there? Google’s Cache shows the stars but they aren’t in the search results. I must be missing something as a lot of Schema data is already being produced but not the AggregateRating. Thanks in advance

  26. Hello,

    I’m looking for a post rating plugin and I it seems YASR fits what I need. Just a few questions:

    – We want rating to be displayed on post list on blog page.
    – We need to create a ranking with a list of top rated posts sorted by score displaying on top the best (more stars) post.


      1. I’ve used yasr_pro_visitor_votes_chart shortcode but no posts are displayed. I only get the message “not enough data to display” (in spanish, so I don’t know the message in english). We have 10 rated posts, what am I doing wrong?


        1. Sorry, I see it has to be rated twice to be on the list. Is there anyway (other shortcode, pro version, etc) posts with only one rating appears there?


          1. This is possible in the pro version, selecting “1” to Number of minimum votes for most rated page and Number of minimum votes for highest rated page

            1. Hi!

              Now I’ve purchased pro version but I don’t know how to do that. Is that adding shortcode properties?


  27. Hi…The plugin is working fine. I don’t want to show the total number of votes and average count to anyone (both logged in and not logged in). How can i achieve that ?

    1. Hello!

      Go to the settings -> Aspect & Styles -> Custom CSS Styles and add this code

      display: none;


  28. Hi. I’m trying your plugin and looks good. The thing is I have pages fo courses and sales pages that are done with the profit builder sistem. Tehn I saw that the rating plugin don’t appear in that pages. Could appear if I insert a code html. Can you help me? Other thing is I would like to insert the html of the plugin so my students can rate the classes and that rating could appear on the sales page. Is possible to do with your plugin? Thanks very much

    1. Hi, I can’t test with that plugin since is a paid one: you’ve to insert the YASR shortcode as a simple text, just like this

      [Total: 103 Average: 4.2]


  29. Great plugin!
    I still have a question:
    Is there a way to order posts in the archive page by visitor votes? I haven’t managed to find the meta value name of the visitor votes, just the overall rating.

    1. Hello!

      The visitor votes are stored 1 by 1 in the yasr_log table, to calculate the average of the single post the function YasrDatabaseRatings::getVisitorVotes($post_id) is used.


  30. Hi. I checked out the plugin. Nice one. But what I don’t get is (in the free version) how to show at the top of an article how the average voting was. Before I used a plugin that allows this details (but it did not support structured data).

  31. Hello, I’m using the Visitor Votes Read Only shortcode in post excerpts. It was working before, but at some point the “readonly” code has stopped working. If I include readonly=”yes” the stars no longer appear. If I remove that part of the shortcode, the stars do appear, but are now clickable. I’m using this:

    Thanks for your assistance.

  32. Ciao, ti ho contattato dal tuo sito personale e mi sono accorto subito dopo dell’avviso che non potevo chiedere info circa il plugin. In ogni modo scrivo anche quì la mia perplessità. Il plugin YASR permette di votare tranquillamente ma noto che non è possibile rivotare lo stesso articolo subito dopo. C’è qualche regola che vincola la votazione nella versione free? Oppure lo stesso utente può rivotare lo stesso articolo dopo un preciso lasso di tempo? Grazie in anticipo

    Hi, I contacted you from your personal site and I realized immediately after the notice that I could not ask for info about the plugin. Anyway I also write here my perplexity. The YASR plugin allows you to vote quietly but I know that it is not possible to vote the same article immediately after. Is there any rule that constrains the vote in the free version? Or can the same user revoke the same article after a specific period of time? Thanks in advance

    1. Hi,
      Allowing the same person to vote the same article it’s a non sense; that’s why a cookie is set after the a rating is saved.


  33. Dario, I have another question. I need to show the star at the same line with the text.
    Example: Here is my text ***** and the text after stars.
    But I have like this:
    Here is my text
    and the text after stars.

    I coud not to find where to change css.
    Thank you.

    1. If you’re using yasr_visitor_votes, the css class to use is yasr-visitor-votes; if you can provide me a link I can help you better with this.


  34. I want to change this default text =>
    “You’ve already voted this article with 4.0”

    Mine is not article, so I want to put specific word in that. Is there any attribute for shortcode to use custom text?

    1. Hello!

      You can do this in Yasr Settings -> Insert custom text to show before / after stars -> Custom text to display AFTER Visitor Rating


  35. Hello. Thanks a lot for the plugin. I need to have several ratings at the same page. And all of them must be clecable. In this case I am using shortcode

    [Total: 0 Average: 0]
    . And it works well. I just want to find out how to make them not clicable for certain post after the voting for that post. Stars remaining clecable and guests can vote for the same post million times. I have allready tryed to use IP function but no result. How to solve it?
    Thank you Dario.

    1. Hello John!

      A cookie is set when an user rate for a certain post or page (based on postid)
      There is no check on the IP, because many different users can use the same IP.
      That funcion only save the IP (but is not GDPR compilant)

      If your browser doesn’t accept the cookies, you can rate any time you want.


  36. Hello,

    I’m interested in buying the Yasr Pro Lifetime Plan. Do you have an email address where I could send some pre sale questions?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards,

  37. Hello, first of all, thanks for your wonderful plugin.
    For now we don’t need the pro as we have very small website so it doesn’t make any sense to spend that amount of money for just 1 thing we need: change the color of the stars of the voting into red.

    We tried anything with CSS but couldn’t find any solution. How can we achieve that?

    Thanks a lot for any suggestion
    Kind regards

  38. Hey,
    I noticed that aggregateRating is missing in the JSon-LD
    Also no matter what I select (product, moive, etc) only BlogPosting is added (if that’s important for getting the visitor ratings shown in google at all)

    Don’t know if I did anything wrong? But really tried every setting. Although I really like YASR as my favorite plugin, I gave up and installed another one in order to get the rating shown in google again 🙁 So if its a bug or something, it would be great if you could fix that with the next update and I’ll be back 🙂


    1. Sorry, comment edited; I just quoted the wrong one:

      If you need aggregateRating, I guess you’re using yasr_visitor_votes shortcode, that’s correct?

      Do you have a link to the site?

  39. Hello Dario,
    See if you can help me, today I have the standard woocommerce ratings, (native) I installed the YET plugin, enabled it, but it does not have any existing rating, the stars are all gray, there is some way to make it read Does this information already exist and appear on the screen?

  40. Hello,
    Is it possible to add next to Overall Rating Stars also a number that I rated?
    For example, if I give 4.7 stars, that “4.7” is next to stars in post?
    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi!

      Yes, it is!

      In the Yasr Settings, enable “Insert custom text to show before / after stars” and in the first field, insert this %overall_rating%


  41. Hi there

    I have a writer’s website where writers post there writing and get reviews from other writers/members. I’d like to know how I can show the rating next to or above each review so that the post author knows how many stars were given for their work and by which reviewer.


      1. Sorry for the delay, I haven’t be able to work this week.

        I’m not sure about your problem: where exactly you want to show the rating?
        Can you provide a link?

      2. Hi

        I just need the stars to appear next to or under the name of each and every review. Exactly as it appears on where I left the 5-star review last time a few weeks ago.

        Thanks for your help and your email

            1. Yes, the first review that you see, in that post, (written by me) with the stars attached to the individual review. You’ll notice that the reviews underneath don’t have ratings/stars attached to them. With yasr I only got the average/total ratings. What I need is the average/total plus the rating from each reviewer.

            2. For example…

              What we get now is…

              Total/average *****

              Comment by Walu Feral

              Very nice poem.

              What I need is…

              Total/average *****

              Comment by Walu Feral
              Very nice poem.

              Hope that makes it more clear.

  42. Hello,
    I would like to insert the YASR plugin into my site via the HTML code because I can not use the shortcode here.

    What are the lines of code to insert please?
    I can not find the information anywhere.

    Thank you !

  43. Hi! Great plugin. I tried to access the FAQ and the tutorials pages, but both seems to load and don’t show any content. So I have two questions:
    1 – Can I show the number of total votes from a specific category in a custom post type? We use your plugin last year with same configuration, but only for a month. But now they want to show the total number of votes in the front page.
    2 – Can I show more than 30 rows in “Overall Rating Ranking” shortcode?

    1. Hello!

      Thank you, I’ve fixed that pages!

      1) I guess near yasr_visitor_votes ?
      No, but I can do this as a custom work.

      2) Just like ansert 1.


      1. After the upgrade, I can’t use YASR PRO. My website show the message “My site is experiencing a technical problem”. So I deactivated the PRO version and Im using the free version for now. What can I do? Could you help me, please?

  44. Hi Dario,

    That seems to be a great plugin ! Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me after 2 hours testing.
    I am working with Elementor Pro, maybe it is the cause of the issue…

    1. For checking purpose, when I try to click on a star as a guest, there is not possibility to do so… The click doesn’t seem to work…
    I inserted the shortcode via Elementors widget, tried also with the text editor widget, as well as gutenberg shortcode widget. any of the 3 work well.
    2. I would also like to center the stars in the middle of the page. So I added a custom Css in the plugin styling section.
    .yasr_table_multi_set_shortcode tr td {

    text-align: center;


    It didn’t work. So I tried also in Elementor custom css section for the widget and it didn’t work either.

  45. *Shortcodes*

    Can you please create a page with all of your shortcodes laid out one after the other clearly? As a new customer, I find this page almost impossible to understand, sorry.

    For example, what is the shortcode for “Visitor Votes Read Only”? Can you please reply with the exact shortcode? I have tried following your instructions, but they are vague.

    The tutorials page is also not working:

    Thanks for your help,

    1. Hi Ryan.

      A page with all the shortcodes is in progress.

      Keep in mind that you don’t need to know all the shortcodes: if you’re using the classic editor, just click on the star above the textarea, you can build your shortcode there.
      If you’re using gutenberg, just add the block.

      To answer your question, just use this [ yasr_visitor_votes_readonly ] OR

      . Both will works.


  46. Hello! Add a shortcode ”yasr_visitor_votes” to my slides Everything is fine on a PC, but it hangs on the phone. Even on an emulator in chrome hangs. Help!)
    “yasr-front.js?ver=2.0.3:213 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘toFixed’ of undefined
    at Object.rateCallback (yasr-front.js?ver=2.0.3:213)
    at Object.onStarClick (rater-js.js?ver=2.0.3:150)”

          1. It seems that such an error only occurs inside Smart Slider 3. I was hoping that a message from the console would tell you.
            “yasr-front.js?ver=2.0.3:213 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘toFixed’ of undefined
            at Object.rateCallback (yasr-front.js?ver=2.0.3:213)
            at Object.onStarClick (rater-js.js?ver=2.0.3:150)”
            Anyway, thanks for the help. You made a good plugin!)

  47. Hi, i can not find where to input the author rating or the + sign to add the meta box. Im using the latest version of wordpress.

  48. Hi there

    I like the plugin but, the stars and text appear right below the end of the post… almost like the text “Click on a star to give a rating,” is part of the poem or story. Is there a way I can move it down the page about an inch or so? So that it looks separate the posting?

    1. Hi!

      Of course is possible 🙂

      In the Yasr Settings, open the tab “Aspect and Style” and in the “Custom CSS Styles” textarea add this code:
      .yasr-visitor-votes {
      margin-top: 20px;

      Change 20 with the value that you need.


  49. I want to rate By author but I would like to add one more star

    it it posssible to change from 5 stars to 6 stars rating ?

    Do You stay in Italy ?

  50. Hi,
    is it possible to show the statistics of a review on a new line/paragraph (&nsbp) ? Currently it shows directly after the stars, I think it would look nicer on a new line.
    Is it also possible to load the rating of a post as a custom field or with a shortcode?

      1. Ok, grazie mille! 🙂 Altra domanda.. come mai su alcuni articoli mi da la possibilità di votare e su altre invece no?

      1. Hi There.
        This shortcode works on the single pages but its not working on Category pages (for example product category page in woocommerce) . why is that?

          1. Hi again.
            I finally managed to put the rating star into Archive page with shortcode.
            the tiny problem is, its showing the stars with Big font size, although I chose the Medium size.
            How can I change the size of stars with CSS??

  51. I installed the plugin, but how do people review my posts other than at the bottom of the page. Isn’t there a quick way to give someone a star rating

    1. Hi, of course!

      Just add the shortcode

      [Total: 103 Average: 4.2]
      where you want to make appear the star set 🙂


  52. Hi. Nice plugin .. Just a quick question .. is there any way to add it by shortcode? I mean in my web i want to use in the homepage as well … but it shows on the left side down on the footer and makes the design ugly … Any idea? Best Regards

  53. Can a shortcode start inline with a previous text or have text after? I have a two ranking system, and want to put the stars before or after the previous 100-point system. But it always goes to the next line, no matter how I edit the HTML.

    1. Hi Pablo, of course is possible 😉

      You can do it by placing the shortcode manually or even when auto insert is enabled.


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