Pro version of this shortcode is available!!
Shows the Ranking Review chart, using the best wordpress ratings plugin.
Parameters (Pro version only)
- rows
- (optional) rows number to display. Accepted values: a number between 2 and 30
- default: 10
- size
- (optional) Size of the stars. Accepted values: “small”, “medium”, “large”.
- default: medium
- text_position
- (optional) where to place custom text. Accepted values: “before”, “after”
- default: disabled
- text
- (optional) custom text to display. Accepted values: your custom text, no longer than 30 chars
- default: disabled
- start_date
- (optional) Start date. Accepted values: date in format YYYY-MM-DD
- default: disabled, will shows all posts
- end_date
- (optional) End Date Accepted values: date in format YYYY-MM-DD
- default: disabled, will shows all posts
- category
- (optional) get posts from one or more selected categories Accepted values: category number, comma separated
- default: disabled
- custom_post
- (optional) get posts from one custom post type Accepted values: cpt name
- default: disabled
will show a 10 rows chart
[yasr_ov_ranking rows=5 size=large text_position=before text=Rating: category=113,151,224]
will show a 5 rows chart, with large stars set, custom text displayed is “Rating” and posts are get from categories 113, 151 and 224